10 January 2021

PCO: A Cat Spread for material concerns (Part 2 - The Future)

So, now we get to the future part of the Cat Spread I started in the last post. This one brings a shift, being a spread made of Diamonds and Spades – two very positive suits when it comes to money-making and material things. In comparison to the Present Spread, we have something definitely more active and energetic here.

First of all, let's calculate the timing of the reading. Before I reached the "cat" card – the card which marks the spot in the 52-card calendar – I had three piles of 4 cards and one pile 3 of cards. The reading was originally done on December 9th 2020. That gives me about 15 weeks... so I would guess the message of this Cat Spread should start manifesting around the second half of March 2021. 

Now, to the cards. The top cards, the 8, is called "The House of Good Fortune", and is considered the luckiest card in the deck. This already answers my question that, yes, there is likely to be an improvement in my material situation. Together with Gawain (9) there is a big possibility of receiving help when needed, and also of starting a partnership that brings benefits. Work, focus and ambition will all be highlighted, which also enhances the chances of getting good opportunities. 

The bottom half of the spread gives us two Spade cards, which gives a stable base for the Diamond cards to expand. Terrene (10♠) in the Foot position reminds me that I will have to pay extra attention to my body and its needs, since this period will consume a lot of energy and is likely to be demanding. The Lady of Spades is making here a strange pair with the 7♠ – the "Sword of Destruction". I feel that both cards together are telling me I'll have to pick my battles and learn to cut away what is not nourishing me. In order to better use the energy of the moment, I also need to stay grounded and centred, as to not burn out. The 7♠ in the Heart position indicates a great amount of inner power strength, but that can turn into self-destruction if not handled with care.

09 January 2021

PCO: A Cat Spread for material concerns (Part 1 - The Present)

It's been a long time since I have done a Cat Reading using the Playing Card Oracles. But I decided to do one regarding my material situation... my question was when can I expect it to improve. The present spread is the one on the left. 

A very... Black spread indeed, indicating introspection, passivity and perhaps even some pessimism right now. We see one Club card surrounded by a bunch of Spades... It's as if ideas and imagination were "trapped" in an extremely concrete outlook. This gives me my first clue: it's possible that an excessive concern with materialistic issues is part of the problem. 

The 5♣ is the only non-Spade card. Also, it's placed in its own suit position, which dignifies it. So, the Wind Cape tells me that while ideas are available, they are now unable to manifest or evolve due to physical or "real life" constraints. Thus, they stay trapped in the mind, turning into confusion, anxiety and mental exhaustion. 

The 4♠ confused me at first because I often see it as a card of ruthlessness and power – which couldn't be further away from how I felt when doing the reading. But then it struck me that it could also mean being in need of security and protection. Pampero (J♠) and Mardoc (K♠) add to this feeling of being so focused on material security one loses all flexibility and starts focusing solely on the possible losses. Pampero in the Heart position suggests a lack of creativity and vision... it gives me the impression of a person merely enduring the responsibilities and challenges, and not seeing them as an important part of growing up and having freedom.