22 February 2023

New Moon Reading: And the days were bright red

Talk about a red reading! I must say it bewilders me a bit. First of all because of the Geomancy: the only figure I get, in all three positions, is Populus. I can only assume this will be a rather populated cycle (terrible pun, I know). And it makes sense – after a few weeks on holiday, I am returning not only to work but also to my psych internship and to my classes. So yes, I will be seeing and speaking to lots of people... may the Mother help my introvert heart!

DigitalAmbler, which is a very nice resource on Geomantic meanings, described Populus as "a symbol of complete passivity, inaction, and inertia. It [...] carries on the status quo or gives any input a force of inertia to continue". Which apparently goes against the flurry of activity suggested by the overall redness of the spread.

But not so fast! Let's see the rest of the cards. The top one, 6, while nominally included in the very excitable Diamonds suit, is... a bit lonely and reserved. The Tower does not share much of its energy, but rather saves it. It also relates to feelings of confinement, which connects in an interesting way the the card below it, the 2. The Lovers speaks of bonds of love, be it for a person or an activity. Again, we have the impression of being tied to something and not being allowed a lot of free movement, even though it is something one loves.

Then we have the two Queens below, Déjà (Q) and Livia (Q). Both are very nurturing queens, each in her own way. Déjà is all about empathy and knowing of the heart, while Livia is a card of resourcefulness, supporting others and volunteer work (which is kinda what my psych internship is, since I don't get paid). I feel like my emotional and energetic resources will be in high demand the coming cycle.

One of the most curious aspects about this spread is how it has no... stronger card in it. All cards are red, all cards are even, and the Geomancy gives the same emphasis in all positions. You could argue that both the 6 and the Q are in dignified positions, but because we don't have a single contrasting card, like a complementary black suit or an odd number, they kind of fall flat.

So, while the red suggests movement and activity, and the combination of fire and water is a sizzling one... the result is a lot of steam and noise. There is no powerful impetus to direct it... which suits Populus as described by DigitalAmbler.

To summarise, I believe that, in the coming lunar month, I will be at the mercy of external tides. The Geomancy suggests a flurry not merely of activity, but of... other people stuff. The 6 speaks of being in a place of security, and the 2 is all about connecting through something you love. On the other hand, both cards have as aspect of 'confinement' to them – there is very little leeway. And the Queens represent the skills that will be expected of me, as well as some of the people I might come across.

In all honesty, I am kinda tired already (lol!). 

The Picture Book of Fate and Fortune © Ana Cortez & C.J. Freeman

19 February 2023

Flower Speaks: Less is more

Despite being one my favourite decks, it has been a long time since I reached for the Flower Speaks for advice. Recently though I had a good opportunity to use it. I find this deck useful for health and body-related issues. Now, like I have mentioned before, I do not think we should use our cards to diagnose anything, and I would not do a reading of the sort for someone else, only for myself.

Lately, my ovulations have been particularly painful. Not every month, but often enough for it to worry me. The pain lasts for nearly a week, often making it hard to eat and to rest. Before taking the problem to my gynaecologist, I decided to do a reading because I suspected my body might be communicating a mental or emotional imbalance.

I made up a small spread to suit my needs. In the Flower Speak, we have two type of cards: the Flower Deck (which include the Flower Arcana, the Element Cards and the Energy Cards) and the Guidance Deck. The former has a purple back, while the former has a yellow back. Anyway, the point is that these two decks are used in a complementary manner, that's why in the picture above we see two cards occupying the same position sometimes.

1. What is the origin of the problem? - 41. Aster (Creative Change) + Leaves (Communication)
First of all, let me focus on the Guidance Card, Leaves. It immediately suggests that the origin of my pain is not the reproductive system itself (which would have been represented by Pistil & Stamen card), but probably something mental. Leaves usually speaks of ailments such as mental exhaustion and anxiety. Combined with Aster, which as an obstacle relates to a difficulty with changes or an unwillingness to make choices, I sense that my imbalance comes from the mental strain I've been under during the last many months. Even though I am on holidays right now, I find it hard to relax, and I have been dreading the fact I will soon have to return to my normal, rather soul-killing routine.

Another point of these two cards together is that both speak of scattered energy, which makes it even harder to make better choices. Lastly, the ovulation is a period very connected to creativity, and these two cards suggests that being overwhelmed by responsibilities has been getting in the way of my usual escape valves, like writing or reading for pleasure.

11 February 2023

The Goddess Oracle: Motherhood

There is a matter that has been consuming me the last few months: motherhood. I turned 35 years old last December and I'm approaching the point of no return, in which becoming a mother naturally may no longer be an option. I am the eldest daughter and my parents make no secret of the fact they want grandchildren... My sister could probably have children before me, being more professionally stable than I am right now, but she lives abroad and even if she wanted kids, we probably would not be able to be a part of her process, due to the distance.

Honestly, I though that by now I would be stable enough in life so that marriage and children would follow naturally. But then I went back to the University, which means I will soon start my professional life from scratch. And having a child without being financially stable enough is not exactly what I had in mind.

Another issue that troubles me is that my partner, as loving and wonderful as he is, apparently does not want children. So if I decide to have one, there is a chance I will have to follow that path alone.

We are always alone in the choices that matter, anyway.