15 October 2013

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

I was touched by the amount of supportive messages I got in my last post, written so many months ago. People from all walks of life shared their experiences, offered advice and prayers and sent me light and love.

Thank you. Thank very much, to all of you.

That the post seemed to resonate with some people. Maybe it's my Sagittarius bigmouth doing its thing, but I have the tendency to verbalise what hangs in the air but goes unsaid. It annoys my colleagues (and my family) many times, because behind my sarcasm there's often an uncomfortable truth. I have learnt to shut up when I must, but sometimes it's stronger than me.

The truth that perhaps I talked about in that post, and that I saw reflected in many of the responses, is that the path of personal growth, independently of what it's made of, usually involves a great deal of pain and disappointment. That's it. But they don't tell you that when you pick up your first book on spirituality or self-knowledge. They mention pain, but usually as a small prelude to the great enlightenment that will make it all worth it.

Piece of cake? Depends on how you like your cake - with an extra-thick sugar crust or not.

You are going to call your gods and find they have turned a deaf ear to you. You'll look for comfort in old and tried methods only to find that you get none. You'll throw your hands up to the sky and ask why, and get no answer.

You'll wonder "why the hell do I bother", and you won't know.

It's the unravelling of all off-the-rack opinions and answers. And all the books that told you things that were so easily to believe in will suddenly stop making any sense. And you'll think, as I have thought in days of great despair, why must I continue? Why not end this? There's nothing to it, it's all rotting flesh. We're all dying, why wait?

But there's something. Something inside that keeps you going. An unconquerable thing, one that refuses to bow, refuses to give up. One that know that if it falls down and stays down it will not rise again. So it rises, no matter how battered and weak.