04 February 2014

Is it possible to be addicted to tarot readings?

Yes, it is possible.

If you need your cards to decide between the bathtub and the shower, that's a good sign that you are suffering from a tarot addiction.

If you have more tarot readings in your week than actual life experiences, you are probably addicted.

If you don't trust yourself to handle any situation without asking your cards first about it, you are addicted.

If you freak out because you forgot your tarot deck at home, or if you are doing 10 Celtic Crosses to find out what exactly did your crush mean when he/she said "get out of my life", then it's definitely time to go to rehab.

I know some people who are more worried about predicting and/or understanding what is happening in their lives than actually living. It's sad because they seriously think they are wiser or superior for doing so. Only tarot is meant to be a complement to life, not a replacement.

Tarot is a symbolic language, used to represent... guess what? Life.You need a life to work with tarot. If you don't have a life, the only way tarot can help you is advising you on how to get one. If you sit in a room all day using your cards to analyse all minor details and what ifs of all choices you have to make before opening the door and facing life, chances are tarot will only help to feed your illusions. You'll think you are living, but you are not - you are just caught in a mental cycle, imagining what life would be like if you ever decided to live it.

Am I just self-righteously handing out rules for others to live by? Perhaps, but that is not my intention. For one thing, I am a master at getting caught in self-indulgent delusions, so I am kinda speaking out of experience. Any kind of addiction is bad. Even addiction to apparently harmless things - spirituality, yoga, exercise, tarot, imagination, you name it. Addictions cripple you. They turn a pleasure into a crutch.

Remember the Devil card? You should.

So if after reading this post you think you might be addicted to tarot, now is a good time to put your deck in the drawer and.. go outside, live a bit. Magic happens outside your comfort zone and, goodness knows, tarot can go from challenge to comfy zone in a snap.