30 November 2020

Weekly Reading: Dancing with the warm wind

Last month was so intense I barely had free time to think, let alone to read the cards for myself and post anything. My mother's surgery went well and, aside from one cut that isn't scarring very well, she's recovering without major issues. Of course, now there are the next steps of the treatment to consider but... we are taking that one step at a time.

Anyway, I was feeling rather low-spirited and tired today, so I reached for my PCO and decided to do a weekly reading. Fortuna (10♣) and the South Wind (4) – now, that is one unpredictable combo, if I ever saw one! Indeed, this week starts with a Full Moon in Gemini, filling the air with lively, changeable energy. Both 10♣ and 4 represent nicely this amplification of the restless Gemini vibe: one that sweeps you off your feet with new ideas, opportunities and events, but may also leave you a bit stranded once it's gone.

So these cards say that this week we should expect the unexpected and be ready to dance with whatever the wind brings. Now it is time to be adaptable and to take it as it comes. We must only keep in mind that Fire and Air together are not known for their, erm, firmness of purpose, so while you should enjoy the stimulating atmosphere, you should not make important plans or decisions based on it. Focus on the short term!

The Playing Card Oracles © Ana Cortez & C.J. Freeman