10 January 2024

Mythic Oracle: Speaking of Mr K

It's been a while since I last did a relationship reading for anyone. Recently though, a friend has asked for one, as she is trying to understand her connection with one of her colleagues. Her name is A, and we are calling him 'Mr K' (because it sounds fun, mind you).

They actually met long before they even worked together and, while there has never been anything romantic between them, she says they have always had this... mutual spark. According to A, their communication is easy and fluid, with them often thinking the same things and naturally complementing each other's ideas.

Now, A doesn't really believe that any relationship more than friendly and professional is possible between her and Mr K, if only because she is engaged already, and would never jeopardise what she has over a mere 'spark'. But that fact is that her fantasy is being kicked into motion whenever they happen to be together, and she is self-aware enough to know that this can muddle up the way she perceives reality.

So, A asked me for this reading in order to gain some clarity about the actual nature of her connection with Mr K. Let's see what the Mythic Oracle has to say about it.

1. The nature of the relationship or how we relate to each other ~ Hades (The Underworld)
My first thought was that this card relates the fact they both work in a field that explored the unconscious mind and the hidden sides of human matters, which are connected with the idea of the Underworld. On the other hand, the Hades card also speaks of the shadow aspect… the more reprehensible desires and impulses, the ones that people usually deny and feel ashamed of. So maybe there is an undertow of hidden emotions that connects A and Mr K, one that they must acknowledge but not act upon or allow to surface.

2. Lesson to be learnt from the relationship ~ Heracles (Strength)
Heracles is a card of strength, but one that is applied with discipline and focus. The lesson to be learnt here is one of restraint – not repression born out of denial ('let's pretend nothing is happening'), but conscious, focused strength of character to endure an uneasy situation until the task is completed. So, A must learn to keep her eye on the prize  – that is, her work – and avoid following the siren song of fantasy. It helps to remember that Heracles' labours were not just him being heroic: they were his punishment for killing his wife and children during a bout of madness. So clearly, the strength to be learnt here is one that can withstand powerlessness, frustration and the fluctuations of emotions.

3. The hidden aspect that is reflected by the other ~ Gaia (The Mother)
This position is all about projection – what positive or negative thing in ourselves causes us to attract or be attracted by the other person. Gaia is very appropriate here because one of the issues that have become important to A lately is motherhood. Apparently, her current partner doesn't want to have children, which could soon turn into a bone of contention between them. Anyway, I feel that the hidden aspect of A's 'connection' to Mr K is precisely her desire to find a partner who would like to have children with her. She told me that Mr K once revealed his dreams of being a father one day, and I guess that this made her project her own desires on him (which is not at all a mature way of dealing with her frustrations regarding her partner). But that's precisely what the cards are for: they are telling A that motherhood has become an important issue for her, and is influencing her choices and desires.

4. How to bring harmony to this relationship ~ Uranus (The Father)
How ironic that the Father card should come right after the Mother card! It does attest to the power of this particular spread, which is what made me want to register it here. Uranus is all about dealing with the real world, as frustrating or as terrifying as it might be. This card speaks of seizing control over one's own life by reconciling ourselves with the limitations of this world, and becoming responsible for ourselves. Ultimately, it's a card that warns against idle fantasising or wishing things were different. So, to bring harmony to her relationship with Mr K, A must develop, as Robert Greene says, an "intense realism": see him for what he is, trust his actions not his words and, most importantly, avoid falling in the trap of her own wishful thinking. Ouch.

5. How the relationship contributes to my life ~ Bellerophon (Humility)
Bellerophon is the hero who, after defeating the Chimera, decided to fly on the back of Pegasus to the Mount Olympus. His hubris enraged Zeus, who sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus, causing Bellerophon to fall on a thorny bush and end his life as a cripple, shunned by all. Basically, Bellerophon shows up in a spread to teach us about what he could not do: how to be victorious without believing himself to be more than what he was. This card hints that this relationship is teaching A a similar lesson. Perhaps the so-called 'spark' she feels is something that she created because feeling connected to Mr K elevates her somehow? Perhaps she has become so convinced of her own 'powers of seduction' that she believes there could be 'something' there that just... isn't?

This card says that "there is something we can learn from every person or event we encounter". So maybe the whole thing with Mr K is a lot less about him than it is about A, having to look inside herself to realise what her current relationship is lacking and what she actually wants from a loving partnership.

Okay, there was one... intensely realistic reading, which was not easy at all to give to another person. But I also think the cards told A just what she needed to hear: that she needs to keep her feet rooted firmly on the ground and not feed her own delusions. Alas, sometimes the cards are all about striking at the root of evil, which is often inside ourselves.


Mythic Oracle copyright © Simon & Schuster, Carisa Mellado & Michelle-Lee Phelan

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